Sunday, 27 January 2013

Igor's beautiful parents, Jack and Dianne, let us stay at their propery in Ballarat for two nights.  As we were in gold mining country we headed to Sovereign Hill for the day.  One of Adam's passions is to make a lot of money so he decided that panning for Gold was first on the list.  As he got a better understanding of gold panning there was no stopping him. He found quite a few specks of gold in the pan and it made his day!


Afterwards the boys went on an underground mine tour and learnt all about how the miners of old mined their gold.  The first gold was found in the area in 1851.

Sam and I took a tour around the old town and even had a lesson at the old school.  After that we were a bit exhausted, but stumbled across the old pub and had to stop in for a pint of course.

That night we had a BBQ and Craig entertained the troops with a few tunes while we all enjoyed a few shots of Jack's special brew.  The next day we took a look at Sam and Igor's spectacular property where they are planning on building their future home.  Thanks guys, we had a great time.

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